First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for visiting my website. Being born and raised in the community of Grande Prairie has been a major contribution to my humble success in real estate. Building a large network of positive relationships throughout my travels has been a major goal and mindset I developed at a young age. Thankfully this has been one major facet I rely on in my business today.
Our community has something remarkable to be proud of in the sense of our growth over the past 28 years I have been a part of it. An extremely important message we portray to our clients is “this place is our home, we aren’t going anywhere”. There for our long term dedication to the real estate industry leaves no room for poor service or negative impressions. We are actively in the public eye and strongly value our reputation.
Our personal characteristics and real estate knowledge forms “Team MacLean” at Grassroots Realty Group in Grande Prairie. Ethicality and Integrity are 2 major terms we rely on to gain traction in a community full of realtors. Our work ethic can be challenged to be its best at any point in our career and has never been questioned.
At all times of the day, any one of us will be available to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to ask any of our clients confirming the professional service we have consistently provided. Our working mind set is always positive and motivating, ensuring you “the client” leaves our office knowing we did everything in our power to ensure your satisfaction.
We have the rest of our lives to gain financial status. Building a satisfied clientele outweighs our personal value of an individual sale. Our commitment to selling real estate and expanding our knowledge is a life long journey we devote ourselves to and have structured this motto as the backbone of our business. Proven results over time and continuing to grow. We are happy to work just as hard.
A HUGE thanks to our clients, colleagues, family & friends.
Team MacLean
Grassroots Realty Group,
Morgan MacLean

Learn More About Us
Morgan MacLean – Vice President-Grassroots Realty //Realtor®